The Memory is I met Connie in summer of 1966 on Monhegan Island, Maine, a Shangri-La of a place, small in physical size, but enormous in space, texture, and palpable presence. Connie was sitting on the rocks below the Trailing Yew Inn (where I was staying, and, it turned out, she as well)* sketching. We started talking, and thus began a connection that continued for more than 50 years.
I was on Monhegan to attend a Sensory Awareness workshop with Charlotte Selver and Charles Brooks, whom I had been working with in New York City. On Monhegan, the workshop participants were known as “The Breathers” by the locals, the lobstering families who lived there year round and the summer residents, many of whom were artists. I think that Connie had heard about us, but didn’t know what S.A. was, so I suggested she come see, and she did, and the rest is history.
* The Trailing Yew is a story all in itself.